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Circadian Rhythm - To Maintain Natural Sleep Practice

Hello Your sleep hero here!

Did you know that sleep affects almost every system in the body including the brain, heart and lungs? 

Did you also know that research shows that both a chronic lack of sleep and poor quality sleep increases the risk of so many chronic conditions - cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, early death and yes, even obesity!

Without enough quality sleep, your challenged brain cannot function properly. 

Lack of sleep affects 

- Ability to concentrate, 

- How you process store information. 

- Your learning & brain clarity because without adequate sleep, we can’t form or maintain the pathways in our brain that help us to remember things!

To put it in a nutshell, poor sleep, puts you at an increased risk of developing dementia, and Alzheimer’s!

For women in particular, sleep, or the lack of it is crucial in how are hormons work, 

Lack of sleep may have negative impact on

- Our fertility, 

- How we navigate the menopause

- How we balance our blood sugar 

Conditions such as PCOS or Hashimoto for example may be worsened without the healing power of sleep!

Build Healthy Intentional Habits Around Sleep

Adapting new habits can be difficult to adapt! The research shows

Prayer & Meditation:

For peace Quiet, Clarity Calm and a purposeful life. Permission to let go of the daily concerns

Keep a Gratitude Journal

So many good things happen daily in our

Try and go out to the Sun exposure to the Sun. It is crucial in maintaining your circadian rhythms. In bed by 10 pm

Make sure your room is dark and

No computers or phones in your room! Apparently, exposure to high levels of blue light, which are emitted by computers can suppress the production of melatonin! There is also the question of radiation you want to avoid Airplane Mode if you have to have your phone in the room!

How many of you take a warm bath before bed?  This is my favourite time of the evening! If you’ve been through a very stressful day how about adding magnesium in brackets Epsom salts in brackets to help you relax your muscles?

Why To Avoid Sleeping Pills: 

Sleeping pills can be habit-forming and can have long-term health risks, and yet for many they don’t necessarily produce deep sleep. So they are not a long term solution!

Try Herbal Alternatives:

Some useful herbs to calm, an overactive mind and restore your nocturnal rhythms: 

A lovely blend that can ease you back your body's natural rhythm:

Chamomile - Particularly helpful in children, it’s relaxing action is used for restlessness, anxious, frightened dreams and distress, including teething in babies. 

Jamaican Dogwood - Sedative, relieves effects of nervous excitement, and helps you sleep

Lemon balm - Wonderful for sedating, the whole central nervous system

Pasque flower 

Passionflower - Calming effect on the whole nervous system produces normal sleep with those suffering from insomnia

Skullcap Wonderful herb for anxiety, hysteria and nervous tension!

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