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Homeoherbal Cognito : For Mental Health Awareness Week:

For Mental Health Awareness Week I just wanted to highlight these herbal gems that are combined to support the brain as a brain tonic!

Ashwagandha - Is the strongest herb used to improve the nervous system. It enhances brain function, improves comprehension and cognitive function. Widely used to reduce tension, anxiety, forgetfulness, sleeplessness, boost physical ability, and as herbal rejuvenation. Ashwagandha has been shown to improve reaction time in children with ADHD.

Bacopa -This Ayurvedic herb promotes a calm-alert state of mind with brain tonic effects! It improves neurotransmitter and brain function in all ages. Several studies also found it useful for school-aged children, including those with ADHD. Bacopa is considered a wonder herb known to stimulate memory and cognitive ability. It also prevents oxidative damage!

Chlorella - is especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids which is vital for brain  health.

For proper neurological development, various genes, chemicals, and hormones must be produced at precise amounts and introduced at specific times during the early stages of life. Even minor disruptions in this process can lead to major issues. Unfortunately, there are many toxins present in everyday life that can hinder development and cause imbalances in the brain.

Chlorella is a natural chelator & detoxifier

It binds to heavy metals (including lead, mercury, and uranium), chemicals, and pesticides and eliminates a wide range of toxins from the brain and body!

Chlorella also has the added benefit of not binding to beneficial minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc. This reduces the risk of excreting helpful nutrients when detoxing.

Gotu Kola - Ayurvedic medicine has turned to Gotu kola to improve focus and memory and to reduce anxiety and stress in all ages for millennia. Preliminary studies strongly support the herb’s ability to enhance brain function and repair in a variety of ways. Elders who took 750 mg of Gotu kola extract daily showed improved working memory and mood, as well as improved physical abilities, vigour, and quality of life. It also reduces the startle response.

Lemon balm - is one of several mint-family herbs with potential cognitive benefits— Lemon balm simultaneously calms and improves focus. Unlike the previously mentioned remedies that are best taken for several months to assess their benefit, lemon balm’s effects are often noticeable within an hour.

Interestingly, in elders with severe dementia, lemon balm essential oil added to cream rubbed into the arms and legs decreased agitation and social withdrawal and improved quality of life. Lemon balm is quite safe.

Purslane - contains CoQ10, glutathione, dopamine, and melatonin which helps regulate sleep, while also inhibiting cancer growth. It contains the highest amount of Omega 3 in the plant world, so is immensely valuable. Purslane is excellent for boosting the immune system, improving vision, sharpening cognitive abilities, and strengthening the cardiovascular system. It is also useful for helping improve the effectiveness of treatment for bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, hyperactivity, depression, autism, attention deficit disorder, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Purslane is rich source in vitamin C and B-complex, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and manganese. Purslane holds powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is an ideal food for those suffering with autoimmune disorders such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, pulmonary disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and lupus. In ancient Egypt, purslane was used to help prevent and treat heart disease, heart failure, and stroke.

Spirulina can be used to treat many mood disorders; since it's a rich source of tryptophan – an amino acid that supports serotonin production. People with mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety have reduced levels of serotonin. It is also an excellent source of omega-3 from plants and shares similar characteristics with seaweeds. fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids

Spirulina - is rich in ten non-essential amino acids, eight essential amino acids, and even essential fatty acids needed by the brain. . And if you're searching for a multivitamin formula that can treat the vitamin and mineral deficiencies found in children with ADHD, spirulina might answer your child's nutritional needs. Spirulina contains a host of minerals like iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins B6 and B12 Spirulina contains vitamins E and C, two natural antioxidants that protect vitamins and minerals from free radical damage.

Aside from being a potent source of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, spirulina has natural detoxification properties. In many cases, high levels of lead, mercury, and other neurotoxins are responsible for the ADHD symptoms in children. There is some evidence that spirulina can increase the efficiency of detoxification and reduce the amount of toxins in kidneys.

The combination is useful support for many mental emotional & neurological conditions.

For a homeobotanical assesment. £35

Via Homeobotanicals Online

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